Rozřazovací test dospělí

Dobrý den,

tento test obsahuje celkem 60 otázek, které prověří Vaše schopnosti v anglickém jazyce. Již během několika minut Vám jazykový test napoví, na jaké jazykové úrovni se nyní nacházíte v souladu s normami EU, podle Společenského evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky.

Vyplňte prosím pouze otázky, u kterých jste si jisti správnou odpovědí. Pokud odpověď nevíte, nechte prosím políčko prázdné. Ať to má smysl. Děkujeme!

Tento test je vhodný jak pro koncové uživatele, tak pro zaměstnavatele, školy, apod. Lze použít ke zjištění Vaší vstupní jazykové úrovně, ale průběžné testování během Vašeho jazykového vzdělávání.  Ve firmě ho lze použít k ověření znalostí angličtiny  zaměstnanců a usnadnit tak výběr vhodného kurzu pro Vaše zaměstnance.

Na konci testu se dozvíte Vaši jazykovou úroveň a výsledky dostanete také e-mailem.

Tak pojďme na to!

Hodně štěstí.

1. You……………….. unplug the toaster before you try to clean it.
2. Steve had a big stain on his shirt, but I pretended ……………..
3. This man ……………. in a prison because he had done something very bad,
but then he was released.
4. Alison …………… always end up in a relationship with the strangest men.
5. I hate daylight saving time! I can't ………….. getting up so early.
6. ………….. no one else saw the boy, I'd just tell him to return the things he'd stolen.

I think I …………….. entertained her until she grew tired of me.

8. I …………. that book you lent me. It was great, I finished it yesterday.
9. That's the girl …………….. I told you about.
10. All of my friends, Jake does ……………. work.
11. We had fish and chips, ........ I always enjoy.
12. I ………….. reading that book you lent me. I’ve got another 50 pages to read.
13. ………………..the church, ………………. from God.
14. Watch the start carefully, Ferrari……………. 100 km/h in 3 seconds
15. If they take 20 percent …………. $100 item, the sale price will be reasonable.
16. I am supposed to ..................... my first patient at 8 a.m., but even now I ............ I can't because of the traffic jam.
17. They ……………... see the Great Wall of China one day.
18. I……………... you don’t know what you’re talking about!
19. Most employees hate the Manager but they ……………... so.
20. Our performance was excellent and we ………………. better results in a lot of games this season.
21. No, not you darling. If I've got to ……………. my car …………….., then I'd rather it were done by an expert.
22. I ……………. the assistant ………….bring some water and ………. the exhausted runner ………... drink it.
23. All seven suspects were accused of spying. ………. of them has a record of unruly behaviour.
24. Shall I wait for you? I…………….. you ……………….... It's getting late, you'……………...
25. I am free of ……prejudices, I hate ………….equally.
26. I wish you…………………. about the food service. It is annoying.
27. It's time you ………….. how to cook for yourself.
28. ………….a child Samuel was acting …………... and adult.
29. I wondered how he …………………... to get here.
30. I can't work miracles, I ………………... by the time you come!
31. The policeman said I ……………... park here.
32. Can I borrow you………………, please? I don't have ……………. on me.
33. She said that she ………………….. the car next Friday.
34. The teacher asked students about their future and career intentions. Mary said she ……………... to become a lawyer.
35. Most people wish they …………………... work such long hours.
36. This course is only meant for applicants…………..first language is Arabic.
37. We will not rest …………… we rescue the lost hikers.
38. Please, can you buy some coffee? We have…………………it.
39. If I ………………. so much I probably………………. into that fight.
40. James felt terrible yesterday, he had bad ………………., ……………….,feeling like he was about to ………………. all day long!
41. If you have trouble going to sleep, try .... a glass of almond milk before bedtime.
42. We can´t use the office yet because it .... .
43. This is the first time I .... a bus.
44. On his birthday .... .
45. I look forward .... you soon.
46. He .... quite different since he .... married.
47. Who .... you that necklace?
48. It was crazy to drive like that. You .... killed somebody.
49. Can you finish the job .... Wednesday?
50. He keeps tapping his fingers, .... gets on my nerves.
51. I wonder if Martin .... this afternoon.
52. Adam Smith, .... , has just come to live in our street.
53. Which sentence is correct in spoken English?
54. There´s supermarket .... our house.
55. I wish I .... more time.
56. My husband will be upset .... .
57. If you were ever in trouble, I would give you all the help you .... .
58. Tell me at once .... Elisabeth arrives.
59. How .... !
60. It´s time you .... home, but I´d rather you .... here.

A to je vše! Díky za vyplnění! Nyní prosím uveďte Vaše údaje, ať vám máme kam poslat výsledky.

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Na Vršku 242
25241 Dolní Břežany

IČO: 04584635
Datum zápisu do obchodního rejstříku: 24. 11. 2015